Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

  • Morse

    The goal of Matrices Over Runtime Systems at Exascale (MORSE) project is to design dense and sparse linear algebra methods that achieve the fastest possible time to an accurate solution on large-scale multicore systems with GPU accelerators, using all the processing power that future high end systems can make available. To develop software that will perform well on petascale and exascale systems with thousands of nodes and millions of cores, several daunting challenges have to be overcome, both by the numerical linear algebra and the runtime system communities. By designing a research framework for describing linear algebra algorithms at a high level of abstraction,the MORSE team will enable the strong collaboration between research groups in linear algebra and runtime systems needed to develop methods and libraries that fully benefit from the potential of future large-scale machines. Our project will take a pioneering step in the effort to bridge the immense software gap that has opened up in front of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community.

INRIA International Partners

  • The Runtime project is the representative of Inria within the MPI Forum which designs and maintains the Message Passing Interface Standard (http://www.mpi-forum.org ).

  • We established a collaboration with the Open MPI project in the context of development of the hwloc software (see Section  5.2 ). This collaboration was also informally extended to the development of high-performance intra-node communication with Open MPI over our KNem driver (see Section  5.3 ).

  • Runtime is a member of the CCI project together with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and several other american academic and industrial partners (http://www.cci-forum.org ). See Section  5.1 .

  • The Runtime project is part of the joint laboratory that was setup between INRIA and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) about Petascale Computing (http://jointlab.ncsa.illinois.edu/ ).

Visits of International Scientists

  • Jan Perhac from Trondheim University visited the runtime team as an ERCIM Fellow from March 7 to March 11. We worked on the Thor runtime system.

  • Keisuke Fukuda from Tokyo Tech visited from December 12th to Friday 16th, for the FP3C project, to port an FMM application on top of StarPU .

  • Tetsuya Odajima from University of Tsukuba, Japan visited the Runtime Team from September 2th to September 16th, for the FP3C Project, to integrate the XcalableMP language environment with StarPU.

  • Satoshi Ohshima from Tokyo University visited from April 4th to April 15th, for the FP3C project, to work on FEM methods.